Monday, October 13, 2008

Steven Segal

Dr. Steven Segal is Ada's new doctor. I am not joking. He was assigned to be her doctor, as of last Friday when we went to see Dr. Burns and found out that she cannot be seen by Dr. Burns. The company that works for Medicaid had assigned her to the doctor, who, had never taken care of the patient like Ada before, his office is so small, it was so difficult to get her in and out in the wheelchair, and he wants to see her every month, which is hard on Ada and us. He was nice enough to write all the scripts that we want for Ada. I had a list for him. Oh, well, like I said, people always blame Medicaid but the problems we had came from people who work for Medicaid. I don't know what kind of criteria they used, but I'm sure there is a doctor out there who can take care of patients like Ada., better.
Ada started PT today at Rehab clinic. She will be there 3 days a week only 1 hour each day. She is not ready for OT or Speech yet, but may be in the near future. Ada was standing on the Standing frame and PT challenged her to used her hand to hit the balloon and try to grab foam pieces and throw them away. She did just that till PT asked her to throw them in the box and she will let Ada sit down, and she did. We all laugh with joy. It had been a long day but it was a good day.
The case manager at the clinic is trying to get all the right equipments for Ada. We hope we can get a standing frame for her at home so she will be able to stand up on the day that she does not go to the clinic.
Seems like everyone is on the same page now, I can relax a little bit and take care of myself. We will get more help from CICOA.
Mike and Frances came from Florida this week. Mike worked a little bit with the drywall. He will help me plan the garden for Ada sometime. Mike is the only one in our group that still works as a Landscape Architect. Also Noy, Dirk and Eliana had been here every weekend. Dirk is helping with the paint job while Terry putting the cabinets together. The remodeling project is still going, if you can lend a hand. Abby came by and talk to Ada. Her eyes and her face lit up when she saw Abby. I know she cannot talk to you but please stop by, even for a few minutes, to say hello to Ada.
Happy to report the good news to you.
P.S. Thank you for everyone who sent the donations. May be we can get a Standing frame soon.


Susan Turney said...

Dear Ponsawan,
So much good news in this post! It seems everything is moving forward at such a good pace and the therapy seems to be doing wonders! May it all continue and I hope more of her friends can stop has to be so wonderful to see her light up!

Anonymous said...

You've got this much to do and you said you can now relax a little!! You have been holding things together so well. God bless you and the friends who come by to give you much needed help.
I hope Ada gets her standing frame soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good news. I appreciate your detail information that painted vivid pictures of Ada and her progress.

I pray you will get enough donation for the standing frame soon. Ada seems to me an outstanding patient with an impressive rate of recovery because of your dedicated care; any good doctor should be excited to see her if you solve the Medicaid's limitation. Good Luck.

I am inspired by the accounts of good friends who stick by you and Ada. We all want to be that good friend. Thanks for the opportunity to renew our commitment and realize our potentials.


cbarniak said...

I miss you all. Segal sounds wonderful and Im sure the place will be up to par in no time. I want to visit you for Christmas. Maybe Ill come as Santa :)