I wish I could go to every classes to say hello, but since Ada was in the hospital, it is hard to leave her. Among people who came to the workshop; Melanie and her friend from Kentucky, Linda Weeks who I always want to meet, Rocky who came all the way from Colorado Spring. And, of course, Christi Friesen, the funniest and most generous person of all, I can't thank you enough for her time.
Many had donated their art works which we will try to get the auction going. Kathy was so overwhelm by all the items she had received, it will take a couple of weeks to get it going.
Ada is back to normal, I mean back to her sleeping pattern. During the hospital stay, we did not get much sleep during the night since someone always come in and take her vital sign or give her some medicine, Ada had been waking up every 2-3 hours and cannot go back to sleep. So mom did not get to sleep either.
First thing she did when we get home was giving us a big smile. We haven't seen that for 5 days. Her pain seems to be subsided and she is more calm, in a way. I do give her some Tylenol as needed. I think I can tell whether she is in pain or not comfortable or need something else.
The surgery is scheduled for Monday, May 4 th. Right now she is on Antibiotic. The doctor just want to make sure everything heal up before they go in and take those kidney stones out.
We went to see the Neurologist last week. While we were there, Ada was so irritated and restless. She shake the wheelchair, banging the chair to the table and try to get out of room. I asked the doctor if he think this is a behavior or she was in pain, he said, well, after the surgery she will not be in pain any more then we can say it is her behavior. Oh whatever. I remember begging Dr. Jude to tell me how I can take care of my daughter and he said the neurologist will be able to tell me what to do.
I think I will stop asking those stupid questions since no one seems to know what to expect from Ada. We just have to wait and see what she will do next.
Again, I would like to thanks for all the supports I get from everyone. I used to sing "You and me against the world" to Ada, but now I know that many have come along through the journey with us and we are not alone anymore.