Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Being outside

We are taking advantage of the nice and warm weather by taking Ada outside everyday. Either a walk around the neighborhood or to the park. Yesterday we went downtown and walked along the canal. We parked under State Museum and walked all the way to 10th St. and back. I wonder if Ada would sit still in the paddle boat. Next time we will walk in different direction across the river and visit the zoo.
Ada continues to make her snail and steady progress. She always in a good mood, laugh and bossing us around. She is getting good at those puzzles.
She seems to sleep and nap a lot more, which is a good thing for the brain to rest and heal. Rachael is still coming every week and Katherine also visits often. Abby is getting married so she must be very busy. Hope to see more of Ada's friends soon.
I start adding Teddy Gram, Yogurt pieces and tiny, round Japanese cookies into her bowl of Cherrios and she eats them all.
Her favorite TV shows are Spongebob, iCarly and Family Guy.
I am thinking about starting the backyard project. I want a small garden and a place for Ada to sit outside when we can't take her to the park. Will post an update on that later.


Melanie said...

Ada looks so beautiful and happy Ponsawan....it's so good to hear how well she is doing....You GO ADA!!!!....much love from Kentucky...Blessings... :)

Melobeau said...

Ponsawan, How nice to see Ada smiling and happy and making progress. BRAVA to you both and to her team.

Hugs to her and you!

Anonymous said...

Ponsawani and Ada, Beautiful photos!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am glad to hear about the steady progress....the rest, her friends' visits and much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good for you1 Let us know if you still want M to help with the garden. We still have the measurements. He just finished a landscape that looks beautiful! Much love and hugs, F&M

angkana said...

Can Ada swim? Has she gotten any physical therapy in water? I am just curious.

You are always creative even with Ada's snack. I also enjoy hearing about the TV shows she enjoys.

Thanks for your blog.
