Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ice chip

Last August, Ada was the patient at Rehab Hospital not very far from home, where she learned, after six months, how to sit and stand up straight. Emily, her Speech therapist always working on her swallowing so we introduced a small ice chip into her mouth. She make faces like we put something nasty into her mouth. One year later, Ada is eating, swallowing and chewing on the small ice chips. I wish Emily and her Speech Therapist at the nursing home can see her now. Also she is using her right hand to grab everything; shake hand, thumb up, thumb down. She also help with dressing herself and raises her foot up so we can put sock and shoe on her. She also smiles and laughs a lot. Her hair is a lot longer. Who would have though she can accomplish so much in one year.
Sometime I wonder how far can she go. No one knows. I join the forum that was set up by a young man who has TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) There are a lot of information and also many who had suffered from TBI and recovered to almost 90% after 7 to 10 years and many who are still not recovered well. But at lease, they understand what we have to go through.
For me, not knowing is better so I don't expect too much and I don't get disappointed, but I join the forum to see if I can help others along the way.
Daddy went to Thailand for 3 weeks, the Kelly went to Colorado for 2 weeks and they will move into their new home, Archie will go to IU and Arthy will hang around with Ada and mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ponsawani,

I hope the ladies at the hospice read your message and see how much Ada has progressed.

It is great to have Web sites that are informative so that relatives of patients with TBI can learn from other people's experiences, progress faster and not make same mistakes. Kudos to that young man for sharing his own experience and assisting others. This is what life is all about....Why reinventing the wheel? Love and Hugs!