Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ada on her wheelchair

Click Here to see Ada, outside, in front of the house with mom and her nurse. It was a nice day, with cool summer breeze, under the tree's canopy. Ada will paddle up and down the street after a short walk with her walker.


Anonymous said...

My dear Ponsawan,

Thank you for sharing Ada's play time with us. She seemed very determined to paddle with her wheelchair and to play with it.

One day we will see you smile, Ada.
One day we will hear you say hi.

Still prayer everyday for you, my angel.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ada and Ponsawani,

It seem that you enjoyed being outside. Have fun!

Thanks for sharing the video!

Love and hugs from Sarasota!

angkana said...

I got teary eyes watching Ada. She reminds me to live in the moment.

Thanks Ponsawan for sharing these precious minutes.
