Thursday, February 9, 2012


Most of you who had read and followed Ada's blog since the beginning, must have read and known about Ardis. Ardis and I hadn't known each other long, we just met a couple of times before Ada's accident while I was working at the restaurant and Ardis would come in and had lunch with her friends. Her son, Kyle and Ada had been dating for a short time before Ada decided to go to Paris to see David. Ardis and Kyle rushed to the hospital as soon as they heard the news, and since that day, Ardis had been with us at the hospital, at the nursing home, at RHI almost everyday, for the next 8 months.
I gave her my phone and she answered it for me. She told people what was going on while I sat there, lifeless and useless. She made sure I ate, slept and went home. She paid for the meals, she called all her friends who could help us. She talked to the doctors, nurses, and then explained things to me in plain English. She went with me to the look at the nursing home before we moved in. She made sure that they took good care of Ada and me. She represented us in case of Medical Emergency. She stayed with Ada at the nursing home while I went to my dad funeral in Thailand. Everyday, I can count on seeing her smiley face at the door, bringing me donuts or lunch. I called her in the middle of the night when Ada was so sick and we ride the ambulance to the hospital together. She yelled at the doctors, made them come see Ada. Sometime, I wonder, who is this woman, and why she always here with me. I barely knew her. She must be my angle, my friend from the past life. What did I do to deserve her friendship, companionship, her love and care?
We spent a lot of time together, Ardis and I. We talked, and talked, and laughed and cried a lot together. I don't think I could have make it without her.
When we took Ada's home, we hadn't seen each other much. Ardis lives on the other side of town and she had been busy taking care of her family. Me, on the other hand, was trying to stand on my own two feet, so I didn't answer her phone calls.
Once in a while, we talked, went out to lunch, but I knew she has been busy.
In December, we talked via facebook and we went out to lunch. It was a restaurant near the Nursing home that we used to stay. She took me out to lunch one time and all I could remembered was mac&cheese. We had great time, talking. Her son, Sean, got married and she is about to be a grandma. Kyle, who went to Korea for a while is home with his girlfriend. Life is good I asked her to come to Ada's Birthday party in January. She said she will bring the whole family. I always want to cook for her, so I made a lot of food that day, but she texted me that she didn't feel good and cannot come. I was disappointed.
Two weeks later, she left message on facebook to tell me that she had turned yellow and was diagnosed with growth in the bile duct of Pancreas. I google it and my heart sank, I cried.
I should have answered her phone call. My stubbornness was to blame. I should have call her or have lunch with her more often. Oh well.
Ardis will have surgery on Monday. I am planning to be with her as much as I can, if she needs me. I just can't stand the thought of loosing her, not now.
Pleas keep Ardis in your thought and pray. She means so much to me and Ada.


Rachel Watson said...

It's really upsetting to hear stuff like this about such good people. My prayers are out to Ardis and her family. I love you Ponsawan. You deserve every friend and all the love you get. I think that in a way Ardis is one of your guardian angels.

Anonymous said...

Ardis, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am an "old" friend of Ponsawani from graduate school. I have always been grateful to you for being there for Ponsawan and Ada when I was too far to physically assist. Wish you well in your surgery. Ponsawani, hang in there. My thoughts are with you. Love and hugs

Anonymous said...

It is so easy to lose contact with dear friends. Praying for Ardis, keep her close. Two of my friends from my time doing Art shows had passed...when I tried to contact an old friend...I found that she no longer lived in her home due to alzheimer. So, now when I think of someone I haven't seen in a time....I am going to make that call. You and Ardis will be in my prayers. JMc