Saturday, September 24, 2011

From Rachel

Hello All!
I thought it was about time for me to post something! Sometimes I forget how important it is for people to know different views of who Ada is and what she’s going through. Those who do not know me, I am one of Ada’s Besties since we were little. I try to go see Ada at least once a week. Most times I can’t stay very long, but she brings me joy on a regular basis. She listens and without words you know that she has an opinion waiting to bust out of her! She always did wear her emotions on her sleeve, more now then ever before. I had to tell her that Ryan and I were getting a divorce and she was so angry. She loved it when Ryan and I came over and he would act like he was pushing me down, cracked her up. She has now become okay with the idea and likes my stories of who I have a crush on. I don’t think she thinks that Brad Pitt will ever come around, but that’s okay. She literally rolled her eyes at me! I got to see her eat her first solid food, take her to her first movie, pick out shoes and have had some really awesome times before and since the accident. I am truly blessed to be a part of her life. She is starting to get better about pointing at things and where she wants to go which I’m sure makes life a little bit easier for Ponsawan. I tend to give her a hard time about not talking, and games, etc (in a healthy encouraging way).… and Ponsawan and I joke about her first words being, “Rachel, leave me alone!” The main reason I wanted to post something today is because she has so many friends and loved ones that follow her progress on this blog, which is awesome, and I would love to see people take a more active role in going to see her. If you have a day off work or an extended lunch break or even vacation time, I encourage you to stop by. If you do not live in the Indianapolis area it makes it a little more difficult! People tend to think that a visit won’t make a difference. It means the world to Ada and has a huge impact on her road to recovery. Yes, it can feel intimidating and scary. Seeing someone you love go through something like this is difficult, but what you must remember is that; she is still Ada.
With Love,


Jackie said...

Blessings to you, Rachel, it's so sweet of you to take your time to visit Ada! I wish I could, and I never even met her. But Ponsawan is the sweetest person in the world so I know her daughter is the same inside. You're very kind, and I do hope that others who live near enough will stop by and say hello to Ada soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ponsawani, Ada and Rachel,

It was so good to visit you again and meeting you, Rachel. We know Ada since the day she was born when we, a group of BSU graduate students, went to the hospital to see her the day she was born. I am proud of you for visiting her once a week and happy to know that Ada can count on you as a friend. I hope the many friends that she had read your post and stop by and continue their relationship with Ada. Bring photos, videos and memories with you! Anything will help!

I too saw many changes in Ada from my visits in May, August and now in September (wish I could stop every week, but not possible from FL). She is amazing and I love being and sharing with her! I can't wait for her to talk! It was awesome to see her walk with her walker so fast and with little assistance, laugh and insist going out even though it was raining.

Thank you Ponsawani for the great time, for sharing Ada with us and for the Thai papaya salad! It was delicious!!!!!!!! Love you much...hugs!

angkana said...

Thanks Rachel for a wonderful post. Don't we all wish we could have a best friend like you or, be a friend like you.

I am Ponsawan's friend and live down in NC. I only visited once but I will be back again.

Your writing inspires me.


Anonymous said...

Just checking in. Hope Ada is continuing to make progress. With friends like Rachel, I'm sure she is. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Ponsawani and family. Take care of yourself and update when you have time.