Monday, December 28, 2009

Feeding tube

We had to take Ada to Er last night. Nothing serious, just that her feeding tube came off. She needs a new feeding tube every 6 month, but going to ER on Sunday night, she won't get a new tube right away. The doctor only put a temporary tube in there so we have to go back tomorrow.
We met our old friend, nurse Ann Huber. Ann had saved Ada's live last year when we took her to ER with 104 degree temp. and the intern doc who didn't know what to do. The Neuro doctors did not want anything to do with her either. Ann said she can feel the heat from Ada's body without touching her. Ann managed to round up Dr. Biggerstaff to come see Ada. Ardis, Ada and I waited in ER for 16 hours before Ada went up to her room. Another time Ada was waiting for her room, Ann stopped by and transferred Ada up stair by herself. We haven't seen her for more than a year, Ann was delighted to see Ada and I was happy not to have to explain over and over why Ada cannot talk or why she doesn't like to be touch.
As we became a familiar faces at Methodist ER, I am still fascinated with how long it takes, sometime, for a doctor to stop by, before we can get the x-ray, to have blood drawn, to get results, to get Medicine. We spend from 2-16 hours in there, waiting, even though it does not seem busy in there. It takes forever to wait to get transfer to a room after admitting because it takes forever to discharge a patient. One time we waited for 6 hours for the ambulance to come and transfer Ada to RHI, which means someone in the ER had to wait 6 to 7 hours for the room to be ready. last time the doctor order a gallon of "Go Litely" for Ada. It took 4 hours. Trun out that the pharmacy cannot put the gallon jug through the running tube and forgot to inform the nurse that she needs to go down stair to get it. Most nurses and doctors are very kind and very helpful. We do have our favorite. I guess I can write a book about it.
She is not happy right now, it must be sore around the tube area. Hope she feel better tomorrow with the new tube.


@eloh said...

So sorry to read about all the horrible games you are being put through.

The feeding tube (stoma tube) is so very easy to replace and you can do it with your eyes closed "at home" where Ada won't have to be exposed to all the virus and bacteria of a hospital. The insurance that pays for and delivers her milk will also delivery you a feeding tube as needed.

I lost count of the number of times "health care professionals" nearly killed my son and would have if I had not intervened. He was 20 when a driver high on marijuana hit them head on. He will be 38 in just a couple days.

Silastones said...

Oh, I would love to be able to do that myself, but Ada has G-J Tube, med go to g, formular and water go to J. She asperated before so we don't want that to happen again. Ada doesn't like to be touch, so she won't stay still for anyone to change her tube and we cannot "reason" with her either. My thought is that, this is an example of how the health care in this country is going for a person. What about for the rest of the American?
Would live to hear about your son, if you don't mind. Please email me.

@eloh said...

Never NEVER feed her laying down!!!!! Always with her torso raised and stay in that position for a good while after each feeding. NO bed changes etc. tipping her will cause the aspiration and could kill her.

And yes this is the same feeding system my son has had for over 17 years. It is very very easy to change out yourself.

Getting her to be touched or be still will come with time. She is (probably) still in a stage of coma where they are sensitive to touch. This may sound crazy to you, but the fighting is a good sign.