It had been almost 4 years now. I am quite comfortable being a stay-at-home mom again. Oh, how much I used to hate that. Now I can go out and get away if I schedule the trip in advance. Arthy spend more time with Ada and more comfortable babysitting for a couple of hour with the help from Annie. I can go to meeting, a few retreat and spend as much time on Facebook talking to friends and customers.
Ada used to volunteer and did Charity works, and this Holiday Season, I want to raise some money and give it

I am planning to make more of them, so if you can help, please let me know. I am selling each one for $5 and it will take $1 to mail it.
Have a Happy Holiday everyone.
I am now at peace with myself and quite happy :)
P.S. Why Cheerios box, you might ask? Ada, for a while now, only eat Cheerios, Banana Nut Cheerios. She received 3 can of formula (Ensure kind) each day, a glass of juice, V-8, and a cup of soup via her feeding tube. She eats about half box of Cheerios everyday. Lately, she adds Gold fish cracker, Teddy gram and freeze dried Strawberry and Blueberry to her diet. So... I have a lot of Cheerios box :)