Saturday, May 21, 2011

All 4 Wisdom Teeth

Look at my big cheek rabbit daughter, she had 4 less teeth since Wednesday. Yep, all 4 teeth were out at the same time. I cried when I saw her after surgery. I cried before the surgery because I did not know how I would take care of her. I kept nagging nurses and doctors about Ada's condition just to make sure they know what they were dealing with. This is Saturday and she is smiling and laughing a little bit. I am not sure when she will let us back to clean her teeth again. Good thing I met a friend of mine on Facebook and she has been kind enough to consult me every morning. You got to love Facebook.

Rachael, my other daughter and Ryan came by on Mother's Day. Got to love her, she is the regular who still come to visit Ada almost every week.
It had been quite stressful lately. Problem with feeding tube, new nurses and now the Wisdom teeth, I really need a break.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In the Garden

Mike and Frances came by to visit Ada and I, so we went to IMA and walked around the garden. I was glad that Mike was able to help me pushing Ada around.

It was kinna annoying when I found out 3 years ago that we cannot just push Ada on her wheelchair and go where we used to go in the garden. The paths laid with gravel and the big flag stones make the task very difficult. Not to mention the terrain with steps, that's impossible. Frances and I stepped down to take a pretty picture while Mike stayed with Ada.

Since all 3 of us graduated from Ball State University with Degree in Landscape Architecture, we agree that something needs to be done or addressed to the designer that people in wheelchair need to be taken into their consideration too as part of the design.

That's what I hope to do, someday :)